Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the surrounding suburbs are full of distinctive neighborhoods and communities. While administrative boundaries exist, their extents and boundaries are open to interpretation. The goal of this site is to collectively map the diverse and unique neighborhoods of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, creating an image of the city in maps and words.
No neighborhood names or boundaries are here to start with. You make the map. Real or imagined, within a city, or crossing municipal borders. Names, extents, and descriptions are up to you. After mapping, be sure to View Maps to see other people's contributions.
This is a project by Mike Foster, developed and inspired by similar projects mapping the urban landscape in Portland by Nick Martinelli and of Boston by Bostonography.
Please don't flag a neighborhood if you simply disagree with the border or description..
Only flag content that is offensive or just rubbish. Flagged content will be temporarily removed. Once reviewed it will either be reinstated if found to be flagged in error, or remain hidden if found to be junk. Thanks!
You are about to download the entire neighborhood shapefile. It contains all polygons, including those that have been flagged as junk or inappropriate. Those items can be identified where the flag field=true. There are some great things to map here, so if you get the data, please let us know what you do with it!.